Monday, 28 November 2016

Of Limericks and Ischleriks

There is not much that I can say about yesterdays run starting inside the Burggarten mainly because I was not present and yet, a highly interesting form of literature loosely called Ischleriks (derived from those wonderful Limericks of course) was flying round and I am including a few of both for your regarded perusal:

Die Sisi sagt: "Weil ich so blad bin,
geh' heut' ich zu Fuß auf die Katrin."
Der Kaiser nickt stumm
und denkt sich: "Zu dumm!
Grad da wollt' ich heut mit der Schratt hin."

Die Schratt haucht: "Franzl, komm zu mir her!"
Der Kaiser sagt: "Später. Jetzt geht's grad schwer."
Sie ruft: "Sex ist doch wichtig!"
Sagt der Kaiser: "Schon richtig.
Aber nicht, wenn ich grad den Krieg erklär'."

"Ich sollte die Villa verkaufen.
Bad Ischl is' für mich g'laufen",
denkt der Franz, "dieses Pack hier
geht so auf den Sack mir!
Am liebsten tät' all's ich versaufen!"
(Antonio Fian, 18.11.2016)

(Okay, some inside knowledge about persons and places would be helpful, I know.)

Here is an example of an Anti-Limerick:

Now straight along Albany Street
Where the Clubs and Societies meet
You can learn Mandarin,
Dance or boxing within
I’m going to learn Salsa, because I like corn chips." 

Followed eventually by a classic Beer Limerick

It's not made in Germany, I know,

But give this good lager a go,

You'll be filled with wonder,

When tasting Dortmunder,

Thanks be to Great Lakes Brewing Co.

If anybody who attended yesterdays run wants to share any memories, your comments are welcome.

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