It is with pleasure that I can present an account of the latest PGAE in Radtstadt straight from the Horse'S Mouth, from Pussy Schumi (as we like to call him) himself.
Here it is, in full splendour:
Some Facts & Figures
We are very happy to have avoided at least 350 empty beercans, about 250 empty water and softies plastic bottles!
In the name of a greener Radstadt and a greener planet: Thank you all for your support!
45 attendees
125 liters Stiegl draft beer
50 draft soda
60 bottles of Stiegl Lager
1 bottle of alcoholfree Stiegl “Sport Weisse” (Mr. Pink swallowed it by accident)
2 layers of wonderful Egger Lager Beer in cans, from cool to lukewarm
0 layers of Ottakringer Lager in cans
10 liters of oral disinfectant (aka Sweatcontrol)
2 liters of external disinfectant
13kg of meat/chicken and sausages
Lots of Salads, Speck, Cheese, Bread, Jause, Punschkrapferl and Schaumrollen, etc.
broken poles: 1
broken glasses: 3, all on Sunday
broken bones: 0
broken hearts: ?
broken rules: all
broken records: Mr. Pink did not win the Sunday run!
…COVID19 puts additional challenges to PGAE Organisation team:
Travel bans and blacklisted regions and countries.
Neighbouring villages under quarantaine.
Constantly changing rules and regulations for events of different sizes, indoor/outdoor…etc. and no clear guidelines to apply all this to a piss up in the mountains with a bunch of hashers.
No Gardefest! – this was the worst. Gardefest is to be the core event in regards to entertainment during such weekend…
Registration on Friday started at 1400 with single entry and double disinfection, performed by Steamback Mountain (SM) and his disinfectors.
In the round up for the welcome run, a piece of art was presented, showing this years logo/design and all the participants present, carved into a fence plank by our Steamback Mountain (SM) – this plank was then carried around over the weekend, by our Joy Stick until it found it’s rightful place at the fence, where it got finally “screwed” in a multilateral cooperation, led by Likk’mm and My Pint of View.
The hares (Barefoot and Likk’mm) set a beautiful run, featuring about 10km through the valley excluding a beer stop and including some muddy uphill trail – The beer stop was transformed into the pre lube for the circle, after the crowd had settled in the garden.
Watching the Beer Mile Race, leading the racers around the houses of - more than confused inmates – who did not understand the sense of racing around the block, gulping down a beer and race around again….four times. Well it was fun and after that, Allrightke and SM with team, opened the CovidProof buffet for Speck and Cheese, to prepare the crowd’s stomachs for the circle.
Since our great RA XX had managed to arrive in time even for the run, we were well coordinated and entertained, violators were brought to justice. Basic infos on the weekend was shared, including the different routes for the following day.
After a great circle, we wash up and meet again at the city square, where our Dr. No, with his background of perfect discipline and order, managed to put us in formation and off we marched towards the music nearby, direction Gardenfest (which urgently had been established by Café Sendlhofer/Resi, to accommodate those, who could not believe, that there was really no Gardefest this year…Thanks God!) Well, since I had not told our commander, what exactly was the destination, we almost passed the Café Sendlhofer…well, some paid attention and Igei outside Sendlhofer was playing like the devil himself to get our attention! Which he did.
Resi had arranged 3 wellknown things for us: 1) Igei, our beloved Zugan Player; 2) Gardehendl (the famous roasted chicken from the Gardefest) and 3) Stiegl Bier. We did enjoy all three of them dearly and while some worked off a few calories while dancing the Chicken Dance after the food(thank you Barefoot, I believe you have a new fanclub in Radstadt) or prepared for worst case with Zillertaler Hochzeitmarsch, most of the crowd called it an early night (at least, that was pretended) to be in top shape for the hike next day.
There was hash dancers seen on the street in front of Resi’s until 0130
Saturday, main hike: pick your Jause (food) and fill your new bottle with your desired drink (draft beer) – due to corona, there was a ban on catering on the bus…(thanks to multiple efforts, we managed to have then 48 cans of cold beer smuggled on the bus anyway. Particularey thanks also to our Walrus and his experience with different levels of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence this turned out to be a successful move.
The busdriver, was a bit clouded in his perception of his duties and the agreed terms. He first picked up the hashers at the post office and wanted to go directly to destination. Aside from the clouded mis-perception, he seemed not to be this sharpest knife in the box.
About 6 phonecalls later and 30min delayed he showed up at PG family house.
At least, we had ample time to fill our bottles while waiting.
In the bus, we could use our new face masks again. I did not, because our beloved driver came with a bus, with no microphone for announcements. Now you try, to make an announcement to a bus full of hungover hashers muffling through a face mask…
At the drop off point the “runners” for the long hike hijacked and boarded a taxi bus (9 seater) where 16 of us ascended the first 3 km to safe time. While the rest of the crowd did the 3,5 km hike to the groundhogs and then to the Bachl Alm, or passed the groundhogs and climbed the Sulzenhals with an optional additional peak, the Sulzenschneid.
The “runners” lead by unsociable Just In Beaver, Mr. Pink and others, including Kindabona, who could not manage to hold any of the agreed stops/checks, reach through “das Tor” (lunchbreak) along the famous Dachstein Suedwand also the Bachlalm, after about 10km (please see for details and overview: . Beers, Coffee, Snacks prepared us for the final decent to reach our bus.
While some really enjoyed to stroll down the 4 km, others (I do not want to mention Mr. P.’s name here again) raced down in about 12 min, even motivating little kids in their 9’s to compete….
While waiting for our bus driver,(who had gone for an extended mountain bike tour which turned out to be a bit too long for the time he had available) we – thanks God- could discover some left over disinfectants, which quickly were put to an end.
Our RA arrived at the same time as our bus driver did with his delay, therefore…at the end all timing was perfect.
In close cooperation with Intelligence/Counterintelligence and Danish internal distribution know how, we silently spread the cold beer cans throughout the bus, to cover the 30 min drive to reach PG Family house for the circle.
While in the background the preparation for BBQ Award nights was in full swing, the circle was under full control of our XX, who ensured, that all criminals were brought to justice. As very helpful and adding to the fun of the circle, including all spectators at the other side of the fence…proved when Ice Queen and Slush Puppy introduced the “Stiff Arm” to the PGAE Circle…
After our planned BBQ Manager turned out to be unavailable, Sugar Daddy managed last minute to arrange a backup. Grillmeister Reini turned out to be one of my former comrades at the fire brigade and was instantly ready to do the BBQ for 10 to 12 people…as Sugar Daddy had informed him. He did well and was happy to see the happy crowd, enjoying his fancy and dedicated art of grilling, by also leaving no doubt, on who was in charge here (QUOTE Reini: “the meat is ready, when I say it is ready!”)
Wooden Medals with Groundhogs intarsed by our great SM where awarded to the most worthy ones during this weekend, one of which to Lord Globalls for his continuous support throughout the years, which was happily received by a look alike, aka Dr. No.
A selection of Schaumrollen und Punschkrapferl, handcrafted by our Sugar Daddy were a welcome finish of this BBQ.
Due to lots of new neighbours and according to the fact, that we were the only organized event in and around Radstadt and we raised quite some attention with this crowd of happy party we had to finish at around 2300 with our BBQ night. Still, a few of us did not manage to leave a small and most humourous crowd, “chaired” by our Walrus who introduced us, amongst others, to the science of hate letters from women as well as to the two most important Islamic holidays. I was then partly successful to move the screamers for the screaming laughs into the house, to save the neighbours’ sleep. Not enough, then also our houseguests from Czech Republic joined our endeaver to die through laughter until we finally managed to close somewhen after 0100.
Sunday, the joyful, stress free end of a PGAE Weekend started with marking the trails for walkers and runners and preparing for the final piss up in the garden. The walkers trail was full of opportunities to learn about the history of Radstadt and Salzburg. (Stairs of Death; most important event in 1492 (founding of Stiegl Brewery in Salzburg).
The runners, well, they ran: into the city, out of the city, around to the ancient roman street and back into the city, up the hill to the post office, where they met up with the walkers. And here the most remarkable incident of this Weekend happened: Small “Constantin The Great” was (redfaced of course) the first on top of the hill! Where was Mr. Pink? He went the wrong way…! Unbelieveable, he did not win this one!

After this run and after a short recess with beers and disinfectant the final circle was held. Words of appreciation were exchanged and criminals were punished. With the help of a very helpful crowd, we managed to tidy up the place in about 30 minutes to a great extend. May you all be blessed for your help!
Great help needs instant appreciation and continuous reflection with those still around, so we continued with beers and Sweatcontrol for some more time, until the crowd retired to the city for lunch and 2nd final piss up, before the train would remove the remaining hashers back to Vienna later in the afternoon.
The rest of the weekend was spent traditionally with Dr. No & ACWD succeeding in gulping down some more beers in Maresa’s garden at Stoeckl Wirt.
While we have already a “core group” of hashers joining this weekend, this year’s event was additionally blessed amongst others, by our new hash friends from Algarve H3, the wonderful Moonwalker “Diesel Dyke” and the unbelieveable “Just Don’t Call me Shirley”, who quarantained on wheels from Portugal to Austria in a Camper and arrived clean in Radstadt! Also, a first PGAE appearance of Mr. Pink and A.N.A.L. was well noted. Also, we could get to know, the Ice breaking “just Tony” during some guest appearances here and there during the event. We are looking forward to seing more of you again!
Thanks foremost to the Radstadt Crew and all the local supporters and helpers, who made this event possible at all. Our arriving hashers, amongst others Anita Hanjob, Dr. No and ACWD, Walrus, Ice Queen and Slush Puppie; Likk’mm and Barefoot and many others were also crucially supportive and creative on the different activities, from registration, designing and erecting the “Rented beer return” latrine to organizing the now already legendary “Beer Mile” around the block, including one hill, especially added for Mr. Pink.
Last but not least, not only the circles were most enjoyable, even the weather this year was perfectly well organized and maintained by XX our RA!
Here are the official Moron pics (lots and lots of them).
Thank you all for adding to the fun and helping to keep this a safe and healthy event, following the Covid19 rules as made public prior to and during the event and accepting the disinfection activities throughout the weekend!
Please also bear in mind, that Radstadt is a place to be, 365 days a year, some years even 366. So make your choices for horseback riding, hiking, biking, golfing, skiing, skitouring, etc. for your vacation or weekends to come. We are always happy to assist. Radstadt likes you!
It was great having you on this special edition of PGAE!
ONON to PGAE?? In Radstadt again,
Thank you all!
Your PGAE Misorganisation Team,
proudly misled by PG
Thanks to PG for this extensive report!