Tuesday 19 May 2020

Can't run but

Still no regular Hashing in Vienna, BUT a regular string of Social Distance runs has sprung up which is running/walking/crawling along a preset trail on your own whenever you feel like in the course of one day and the one after. Exercising is on your own without, well, contacting any other Hashers. Meet virtually afterwards in the evening hours and wash down the trail's dust in front of your screen, together with likeminded ones at the Videochat. Thanks to all involved for that and for keeping the World's Worst going until we can return to normal Hashing, in all probability not before beginning of July. Check the official Moron photosite for the latest excursions around Vienna.

Anyhow, it's time for more pics:

There is a trail leading out of this mess 

Have you got your facemask?

Drinks for Hash Cats 

Big in Texas 

Spot the Typo(s)

Hasher at large?