Tuesday 28 July 2020

Steps Ahead

The Goldene Stiege in Mödling, the beginning of a vast hiking area (The Naturpark Föhrenberge) with lots of forest and hills (the highest local elevation point, the Anninger, goes up 675 metres. Two years ago during the Eurohash extravaganza in Vindobona we had a circle next to this carpark with some 150 Hashers, of course embellished by a tremendous thunderstorm ;-) I still wonder how the two huge buses could have possibly gone up that rather narrow street that leads to the carpark.


When we (S.E. and I) arrived it was a little dribbling down and some wannabes even had their umbrellas up and working. Another astounding group of 30 or more (including visitor Vienna Sausage from the Subic Bay Hash in the Philippines) started the run in well known territory, ending up on the main forest road which leads up to the Anninger Schutzhaus much further on. The nearing of a thunderstorm which did not really set in by full but made its presence with nice sounding thunder, some distant lightning and the occasional raindrop made its impression and at least one Harriette who turned round in the middle of the trail and went back to the carpark.

I rest my case! 

After some light jogging on the main forest road it was on into the forest, up and down and eventually up alongside a nearby hill with neat outlooks. More thunder, lightning and scattered raindrops accompanied us back to the carpark where the rain had ceased, so a decent circle could be had by all. Tasty On After in the adjacent Waldgasthaus Bockerl

Hares Casting Couch and TwoBob

Moron pics to be seen here


Impressions from various excursions here and there, as of lately.

Wandering Winos

Ein Flascherl geht noch 

On the way to Christopher Street Day Parade in Vindobona

Hash Cash?

Make your choice! 

From Beirut to Vindobona and back 

Turkish Pils Beer, fine stuff

And, last but by no means least: 

Saturday 18 July 2020

Yet again

Coming to run Number three that was set by the same Hare (Casting Couch) in the course of 8 days (this time assisted by TwoBob), the starting point was at the Traiskirchen Tennis centre , venue of a Wildsau Lauf that many Hashers took part in year ago.

This pic was taken elsewhere

During Lockdown the Hares went out for some extended walks and runs and found same charming and pleasant corners in the villages of Möllersdorf and Traiskirchen. Deodorant, who will soon leave the fold for warmer (?) surroundings in Carinthia made his return, together with Just Daniel, Sleeping Partner and Knödel mit Ei, who now goes by the name of Tungsten Balls. Agreeable temperatures, a good crowd and cold beer made the excursion worthwhile with Wooden paths, fields and waterways.
Again there were walkers and runner trails possibilities on offer. 
One circle later the OnIn - again - consituted of an excellent local Heurigen.  (Glorious Brettljause!)

Easy does it!  (Well done Daisy Balls)

Here are the official Moron pics! 

Talking to the Moon

Run number two in the Casting Couch Haring Week (this time assisted by S.Energy) was a Full Moon run in Brunn am Gebirge, a place where I cannot not remember that we had any Hash runs before.  In this strange year of  Health issues, stable beer prices and uncertain weather at least Hash runs are a certainty, at least for the time being.

Starting from the local train, then running through a residential area that was followed by a circle choice between walkers and runners trail (runners trail for me this time), we had the green paths and fields of Maria Enzersdorf (neighbouring village), ran through the cloister gardens of St. Gabriel (I had no clue that this was permitted, but without dogs -> all this area forms part of our extended neighbourhood) and using a few more twist and turns, using a short forest path running back to the run start. R and A of the Full Moon Hash (the two OVH's) led the circle and the On After was a most pleasant wine place nearby. A recommendation!

Evil woman

The man, the vehicle


Full Moon Moron pics can be seen here! 


Back to the Hashhouse

As a World's Worst Hasher you know of course that we consider two joints within Vienna city limits, the Grüß-di-A-Gott Wirt up that hill and the Gösser Bierinsel in the Prater, venue of our Annual Grand Meetings since 2002.

Casting Couch, a Jill of all trades came up with a run in that often used area (does anyone still remember the Terry Fox runs from long ago?) and indeed used many a corner that we haven't been to in years. Mind you that the Prater offers countless running paths, cool beer places, an amusement park and all this close to the centre of a nations capital.

Two visual examples of how varied this place is:



A good hour after the start the circle happened and the OnAfter in the garden was crowned by a healthy rain shower. But there were two new boots, one of them, Just Daniel (?) from Bielefeld was about to return. More of that later. 

Have a look at the official Moron pics.

Another year, another Beaver

End of June, always the annual time for another Beaver run at or around Großenzersdorf, bordering at the wonderful area of the Lobau (lots of forests, lots of ponds). Going away from the annual routine of convening at the Beaver Beach House and setting the meeting point in nearby Groß-Enzersdorf, well, hot day, big group, what can you say?

C'est chaud! 

Expecting a rerun from last years expedition into the labyrinth of forest and water I was not disappointed: After the usual Chalk Talk before the start of the run and a few times around new looking corners it was on back to the vast area of forest and water. To give you an impression about the beauty of the area and all the possibilities that it offers to the innocent Hasher, for example, look here.

A liquid Prayer

Needless to mention that after the third or fourth change of scenery all this lovely spots started to look the same to me in my pathetic state of non-fitness, but I will get better (at least that's the aim ;-).
Long run and walk through thick bushes and underwood until after very long last we got back to where we started. As there was a BBQ waiting for me elsewhere, I skipped the circle and the ensuing festivities at the beachhouse. Apologies and thanks for the run and the scenery (and the cold beer!).

Look for the Moron Pics

Now there! 

Thursday 16 July 2020

Once more, but different

Will there be a Hash Christmas Party this year? No one knows. What's common knowledge though is that we had the last 4 or 5 Christmas Parties at the Gasthaus Birner on the other side of the Danube River (Transdanubien to the locals) after the Martinsschlössl went of biznez.

Not really difficult to reach via public transport, another impressive group of 30+ assembled and, after the usual pre-run explanations, it was on through the nearby Floridsdorfer Wasserpark and after seeing the starting point from afar, further on to on astounding area of fields, really old houses and stretched out fields showed a part of the 21st district that was unknown to me so far. Pity that this free space alongside the Nordmanngasse will have to give way to appartment blocks in the next few years.

Don't miss it! 

A bit further after that long and pleasant interlude there was a much welcomed beerstop chez Nail Me and after a few and much too short minutes we were more or less press-ganged to leave as the kitchen at the On In (you know by know where that was) would only stay open for so long and waht have you. Again, it was a bit of distance to cover but some of us, including yours truly, have gained a bit if weight during lockdown period, so no whinging.

The circle was held right next to the Alte Donau, and afterwards, charming supper nearby. Nice run, cool drinks. 

This door should be open wide! 

Here are the official Moron pics. 

Hares Nail Me and Victoria's Secret 

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Sparkling Running

Well, not quite. The requirement that the usual suspects for the local beer miles - Mr. Pink and Barefoot - came up with was to consume a full bottle of Sekt while running around the Wiener Staatsoper (State Opera House, opened in in 1869(!)) four times. To increase the excitement, with a good swig of rum you were entitled for a fifth lap around the Opera House (three quarters of that lap made it a nautical mile).

It was raining before this event started, the pavements around the building were at parts slippery so we the participants were awarded a quick walk around the building the point out possible risky areas.

Before the actual start a family photo was taken, as you can see, some dressed up for the occasion, an elderly gentleman with no connection to our Sekt-loving group merrily took pics too, and, after final instructions were given by Barefoot, the bottles were opened and the runners sped off. Drinking full glasses of Sekt is not that hard, yet running with a belly full of Sekt is a different thing altogether. The racers, amongst them Mr. Pink and Barefoot, took of at neckbreaking speed while yours truly had to find a way how to keep the bubbly stuff down. Enough said that after a few healthy burps running was made easier. 

Quite a few young runners (no Hashers apparently) who are also Beermile regulars excelled themselves as being real fast too, the Hashers contigent (apart from the already aforementioned) represented by Victoria's Secret, Walrus, Just Eamonn, Lopsided Backside, Daisy Balls and Princess W Constantly bravely circled the famous building and I can't recall many who did not do the additional 3/4 loop to finish the nautical mile. A.N.A.L. was a most competent timekeeper. 

The winners finished in just over 8 minutes which is a most astounding feat. I still wonder how everyone else managed to keep the Sekt down. 

On After at the Green Room (great Irish Bar in Viennas 17th district) for many a pint of glorious Guinness. 

Official Pics can be seen here (though there are more floating around out there)

Hats off for the timekeeper! 


Sunday 5 July 2020

Mondays delight

And, after the Full Moon Hash was reopened by Hare Kuty PI and the last Sunday run was hared by Mr. Pink and family, it was on up to the first Monday at the incomparable Grüß Di A Gott Wirt. More than 30 World's Worst Hashers found their way up and Gasthaus owner Stefan, as always, opened up his premises on his usual closing day, just for us. The motto of this run was to remember our dear and late friend Dodgy Condom (RIP).

Co-Hares Tickpleaser, MOM (schlepping Sekt uphill), Cardinal Munk OVH (ditto) and yours truly choose the easy way up the Hermannskogel (so you know by now that next year in April it will be the steep uphill way again).

There was some rain over the preceding two days, therefore some shiggy and lots of humidity. Up the hill it was Sekt and not one but rather two songs for the Songstop, As always, Tiny Bubbles by Don Ho and, to honour Dodgy Condom, we sang the Beatles Song With a Little help from my friends, as Dodgy Condom was a Liverpooler (Liverpudlian).

After the Sekt, it was Downhill with spectacular Hash View and eventually On to the circle. After the Song, Supper at the Gasthaus.

Here are the official Moron Pics for this run. 

Something completely different! 


Two and a half months of no regular Hashing passed (thanks again to all the Heros of those Social Distance Hashes) and at long last, at the end of May, a regular Hash was set by Root CAnal and Free Willie in Bad Deutsch Altenburg, consisting of a long, hilly and muddy runners trail and a slightly shorter walkers trail. Surprisingly fresh temperatures at the end of May made the day a bit chilly. Around 25 Hashers came along, apparently all happy to meet familiar faces again.

As my left heel was giving me pain on that day I was more or less obliged to stay with the walkers group, that trail offered some nice and fresh insights and outlooks of location that's been in regular use over the last fifteen years, more or less. The run was followed by a most pleasant B-B-Q (with 2 grills!)

Here are some of the pics I took before and during the run, followed by a link to the official Moron pics.

Here are the official Moron pics from that day.