Wednesday 15 April 2020

Thank you Mask Man

In the midst of the worldwide pandemic disease, no Hashing for more than one month already and no expectations on when we will get started again.

In the interim, apart from making sure that the domestic beer stock will last until the next supermarket sale, this is a chance to read some strange stories and watch a few more pics, with and without face mask. And of course, listen to the title piece of the incomparable late Lenny Bruce.

Candlewax poetry in Viennas city centre

What if they haven't got duck? (Basil Fawlty)

Garden piece

Who can read this? (apart from the Ostriches)

Monday 13 April 2020

A Mammoth on Eastermonday

One of the many traditions of the Worlds Worst Hash is the Easter Monday run, for many years being organ-sized by Holy Roamin' Empress and Prince of Barkness, both OVH. We have been directed to a great variety of beautiful places, there were plenty of Eastereggs and chocolate bunnies hidden on these trails (of which I hardly ever found any) and the egg-liquor stops have become VERY popular. Look here for last years pics.

During the times of lockdown/no sports activtities in groups several microchapters of the VH3 have been started, one of these are the Hunters and Gatherers Hashers (H&GH3) and their run #3 took place at another location that had been used last year. 

The reopening run of the Vindobona Hash will be set at the Grüß-Di-A-Gott Wirt, location of run #1 in 1982 and traditional location of the first Monday evening run. When? Dunno! 
P.S.: There actually were at least three more Micro Easterruns taking place last Monday, look here, here and here for those glorious pics. 

It really seems to be a matter of finding and believing. Belated Happy Easter everyone. 

Thursday 9 April 2020

Dodgy Condom 1956 - 2020

Dear Dodgy Condom,

wow! I am writing this to you as my dear friend whom I will not have the pleasure to meet again in person, not in this life. Many years ago, when I invited a group of friends to a birthday party at a fine wine makers place, Cardinal Munk asked me could he bring along a friend whom I didn't know? He told me that this friend of his was a fine guy and had lived in New York for a long time and was a friend of one of the Cardinals younger brothers.

That friend in question was you. This must have been the start of your tenure in Vienna, when you and your family moved over. Over the years you brought your two younger kids to Hash runs, you and Maddy came along to a couple of classical concerts in Viennas Musikverein where we once had Schnaps shots during a performance of the Vienna Philharmonic, much to the embarrassment of Cardinal Munk!  :-)  And of course, we would often meet at Flanagans, a much preferred place of yours.

Schweizerhaus Opening Day 2019

You selected the most fitting Hash name for Tickpleaser, who moved to Vienna coming from England around the same time as you, coming from a bit further than that.  What I enjoyed most and still do in this moment, despite the sorrow, was your easygoing and uncomplicated nature. I confess that in the beginning I had slight problems understanding your Liverpool accent but once I got around it I found that amusing, as much as our talks about family matters (as a father of four you had lots of stories to tell), job and all the little things that like minded souls enjoy talking about. After your working contract in Vienna came to an end you moved back to New York and, eventually, after you retired, returned to Vienna. Catching up again was real easy and, even though we would not have the chance to meet often it usually took one phone call to make you join various friends meeting, often at the Schweizerhaus.  You were great company at last years Hash Christmas party where you were gave decisive help in connection with the Awards Speech, i.e. blowing up the abusive balloons together with another gent.

Your family wrote that you taught them to try take something positive out of every situation. Well, knowing that you're gone doesn't help here. But, speaking as a friend, it has been and always will be a privilege to have known you. I found our talks and our friendship an enriching experience. I will miss you.


So there are no more Hash runs for the time being, maybe for several months even. At least one Vindobona Hasher was hospitalised due to the virus, and I herewith extend my best wishes to that Hasher for a speedy and complete recovery. After a few weeks of lockdown it has been announced that shops will partially reopen from Tuesday after Easter onwards. Now where IS place for Hashing in all this? Several quarantine Hash subchapters have been started (obviously with very small packs, no stats and no Hash Cash) and you can trawl the official VH3 Hash photo site for visual proof.

In the interim, here are some more of my pics from recent excursions. Stay tuned and, above all, stay safe and healthy!

Hash picnic with Wine and cheese with S. Energy

I swear I did not leave that can there 

Now here is a real cliché!

Hash drinks in my garden shed waiting to be put to good use again