old friends that is. Meaning all those who preregisters to Cardinal Munks birthday run (soixant-dixieme) on another hot and sunny day a few weeks ago, way out west over there in
Eichgraben. How many where there? It must have been well over thirty freeloaders, as the Hare (duly assisted by CoHare Joystick) invited us all to wine and dine after the run (of course with copious quantities of cold beer available).
There was a food truck arriving shortly before the run start, there were fridges with stacks of beer, tables with white table-cloth were set up and off we went, the pre-run explanations were given (walkers and runners trail) and then it was off into the woods, at some point quite close to the railway tracks of the
Westbahnstrecke, at another point it was deep into the forest and, on the upper end, the Hares desperately tried not to raise the tempers of a local farmers family who were cutting wood (that only worked in parts) and, eventually, passing by another farm (with no-one in sight this time) just a few piggies oinked their salute for the thirsty runners.
What followed was the beer and liquor-stop, with some tasty stuff (whisky or the like) being provided by a friendly neighbour of our Cardinal. I had not the biggest intention to run, yet still tried to folow the runners which resulted in me getting way behind everybody else. What the heck I thought, there was still Mother Superior, OVH and Just Asako in sight. Towards the later part of the run there was a village called Knagg (which 37 inhabitants,
according to this source). There was no infrastructure in form of (even smallish) shops but most astounding haciendas. Very subtle and sophisticated, but hardly reachable via public transport.
Ich hau Dir eine ins Knagg, oh wait...
Getting back to the Cardinals residence (the
Castel Gandolfo of the World's Worst so to say), the scene was all set for a great party. Likkmm came over from Switzerland and presented Mr. Birthday Boy with one of his old running shoes which he wore from run # who? to run # really cares?. Ice Queen and Slush Puppie provided a barrel of
Salm Bräu Beer ...
Na denn Prost, dass die Gurgel net verrost'
... and a special reappearance of Marathon Man, who together with family moved back to Vienna was feasted, together with newly wed couple Mr. and Mrs. Pink (congratulations from my side as well!). Pics of this run can be seen
The lights are dimmed and once again the stage is set for you. |
Back to where this man belongs! :-) |
After the circle, tasty food and drinking until late. Very well done indeed!
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