Saturday 1 August 2020

I go swimming

For many years, almost twenty, S.Energy and I have been taking the World's Worst Hash to the Figurteich, a local pond that is a nature reserve where, even in these strange times, everyone can come along and take a swim, without fences and without paying. We've had barbecues there, law enforcement gents who wanted to stop those barbecues who left after the Prince of Barkness, OVH, successfully bribed them with a cold can of Sprite and Pepsi each. In recent years, we've had Pizzas delivered there for local OnAfters. And, last year Slush Puppies OVH ceremony occurred on that very carpark, Obviously, a bit of Hash tradition seems to be connected to this place.

A typical summer crowd of 30+ Hashers assembled in the Heat, as a special sign of appreciation the Hares used PINK chalk (as well as flour) yet the Mister of the same name was late as always but did catch up at the run's end. On off along the Figurteich and not looking at all the skinnydippers,

Crossing a road to get into the area of green (?) and vineyards showed the following picture:

Afterwards, running alongside the vineyards where the fresh grapes can already be admired, there was many a scenic view yet in the absence of the official Moron pics of to-day I can present no visual proof other than the pic above made by S.Energy. More running through quieter and greenish backroads of Mödling and Wiener Neudorf (with a welcomed stop at a water spraypump) it was on back to the Teich in search of refreshments. Ensuing swimming, funny circle and OnAfter at a nearby Heurigen.

 Link to the Moron pics to follow as soon as Joystick gets his act together (hint, hint!)

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