Better late than never they say so here is a late summary of last years annual Red Dress Run on New Years Eve, as always once around the Ringstraße in Vienna. After a span of more than 10 years of participation in these events (okay, it is officially the Silvesterlauf of the LCC around the Ringstraße on Dec.31 each year, but who cares about these minor details?) one begins to see Red Dresses floating all around when one contemplates about it. But that seems be the case with new born babies, freshly grown moustaches and - the cool Pints (not you, My Pint) in the Pub.
Ignition! |
Meet as always in front of the
Cafe Schwarzenberg at Vienna's Ringstraße, raise considerbale attention from Japanese and Italian tourists and then it is On Off once around the trail, some 5,4 kilometres, as has been the custom over the last years, by holding on to a long climbing rope. This time by inspiration of King Ralph a slight deviation has been taken over the ramp of the Parliament building, much to the amusement of the local bystanders.
Beer delivery! |
The rest of the run showed that this Hash Chapter is slowly turnining geriatric. Richard Kopf should be mentioned for not holding onto that rope but rather tried to hold the rest of the red dressed runners (?) back from what seemed to much exercise on that day for him. At the end of the run the crossing of the finish line happened in all glory as you can tell by the pic.
The circle inside the
Ringstrassengalerien prominently featured copious amounts of Bloody Mary, generously provided by Glory Daze. I learned only later that she used a mixing ratio of 50/50 for Wodka and Tomato Juice. OUCH! Belated thanks for that hangover! On Out.