Monday, 14 March 2011

Slightly unlive

Live run? You mean that boldest of Hash traditions where the Hare gets a ten minute head start and then the so called runners will follow, intending to catch and strip the Hares? There once was a proud such tradition here in Vindobona, yet with everyone getting older and slower this tradition was more or less being put to indefinite rest.

I'l show you your Live Trail! 

Hash Lash Mid the Gap had to announce a Live Run on Sunday, February the 20th starting off somewhere at the Alte Donau and in high hopes a few faithful ones turned up, expecting only the best. Alas, in the best from of a cruel hoax (yes, we do have a Hoaxster here on the Hash!) Joystick couldn't help but rush his charming wife Joyride to the airport to send her off to the Kashmir region again wehere she will to continue to work for Medecins sans Frontiers for a bit. And set a dead trail thereafter (look for trail types in the link). The short reconciliation with this disappointment was to find another watering hole in the 20th district, which is the wonderful Gasthaus zur Alm. Apart from that it was a loop through the 20th district and on back the long way over the Reichsbrücke and back to the carpark.  The Great and Glorious GrandMeister greeted MOM, Cardinal Munk and yours truly with a phrase something like "Did you guys have an extra beerstop?"as he seems to be flying uo and down each Hashtrail like a young god these days.

Clamps! Clamps!!

Anyhow, short circle in the cool and that was that.
On Out.

The Original and...

... a coverversion

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