Monday, 9 November 2009

Zug um Zug / Train by Train?

Your tickets please! Yesterdays Hares Casting Couch and Sex Energy have set themselves the noble goal of bringing each and every neighboring village that is be found southwest of Vienna to you in form of a Hashrun.
The first impression after getting into Achau was the following:

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I hope that Hash Flash will publish the pic of those defunct waggons that have been placed near the local trainstation soon for your viewing pleasure, I reckon they provide housing for the local clochards. Very nice view indeed and looks all warm and cuddly from the outside. The abovementioned song must have been in the Kraut Hitparade in the early 1970s and gives a nice motto of yesterdays run I think.
Update Nov. 17: Check out the Pic from Hash Flash which makes the song above even more suitable, IMHO.

Further with original text, dare I say lyrics:
Since there is only flat flat flat terrain the subsequent run was a challenge primarily in getting rid of the chewing-rum like mud on ones shoes and it was only unfortunate that that bridge crossing at the end of that field did not lead by the Südbahn railway tracks which would have been a true-life linking to the song above.
Give the Hares credit I say not because just one is the love of my live (still crazy after all these years) and the udder one has been a successful GM of Vice for many years but that they incorporated a few local places just like the Backside of the Schloß Achau (I didn't know of its existence and neither did Munk in the last 35 years) and also a few old fashioned backroads. The last part of the run was a casual affair, with the usual sight of 80 % of the pack walking (have ve bekum geriatric?) and just of the very end towards the railway station that a little running could be seen.
One circle feature were the future of the Hash (playing kids including mine that is) and another one was Dear Alice, who completed his first 400 runz.
Since I enjoyed my Blunzengröstl at the OnIn a lot, you can check out a recipe here.

Oh, and do take part in all AGM proceedings. Remember that voting is a privilege in all democratic countries.

On Out.


  1. I also enjoyed the Blunzengroestl. Good old-fashioned Austrian cooking. I liked the grated horseradish sprinkled on the top. Is that part of the traditional recipe?

    Lord Glo-Balls, OVH

  2. LGB (OVH), dunno. I just tastes mightily fine that way. While living in France I learned to like Boudin Noir (Blunzn, Blutwurst, Black Pudding) served avec Apple sauce.

