Saturday, 7 November 2009

Boring nerd mode on

It's a Saturday morning, the first Martinigansln of the season have been digested and lerv is still around. I recommend to check out environments like die Wiener Märkte. My current favourite is the Vikor Adler Markt in the 10th district with a great and run-down Würstelstand in the midst of it, yet there are so many more spread around town. But of course you know about all them anyway or don't you?
Maybe it would be worth to combine a few of those for some sort of a Hash thing one day.

Musical recommendation of the day is the following:

I am going to see Mr. David Sanborn on Nov. 17 in the Wiener Konzerthaus together with my remarkable friend Mr. My Pint of View. This video is of 1987, the bass player is Marcus Miller. Don Grolnick keys, and the late Hiram Bullock on guitar. Neraly forgot to add Kenwood Dennard as the drummer.
Eat your heart out. If not, see you tomorrow in Achau.
Bei dem Weg, this blog is also intended as a link to their inglorious past for all those ex Vindobona Hashers who took the torch of the once World's Worst to new Shores. Cee Dee, Mindphuck Minuteman, Mr.Davolino, Mr. BOB Davolino, No Mercy Master, Multiple Entry...
Here's to you, friends.

On out.

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