Another corner of lovely Vienna that houses good
Heurigens and great scenery is
Strebersdorf, out there across the Danube and on the way to
Korneuburg. Being a much preferred area by our dearly beloved GrandMeister St.Norman, that area on bottom of the Bisamberg saw many a run that either had a large loop to the right or to the left leading all the way up to the hilltop.
To-nites trail on May 9 took a left turn after the start, leaving behind the local cemetery and not long after did the uphill campaign start and that also include the sly use of a regular false trail (well done Hares!) which eventually ended at a very well known Checkpoint in the middle of the vineyards and that also gave way to a familiar look. And, it was pleasant to see Returnee Squeeze Box Mama.
There it is!
By the way, orientation has become a lot more complex around the area since the Powers that be (neither LGB nor St.Norman) took away the famed
Sender am Bisamberg. Anyhow. Not intruding into another well known running area on top of the Bisamberg (runs that start from the other side at the
Elisabethhöhe) the trail ran back along the local Kellergassen and to the car park eventually. Improvised circle by the RA Richard Kopf (super late cummer). OnIn at the nearby
Gasthaus Weinbeisser. 50 % off on Mondays!
Listen to what the man says |
On Out.
Watch what happens!