Monday, 26 August 2019

Boogie on Vineyard Hill

Langenlois, a town somewhere in Lower Austria and 70 k away from Vienna, well known for its fine wines (examples here and there) was again the venue of a run set by Lopsided Backside, duly supported by No Balls Prize. Yet another 35 or so Hashers came by car, train and even walked the last bit to the train station (Mother Superior and Cardinal Munk, both OVH) as the driver (MOM) must have parked his car quite a bit away from the carpark. Nothing new weatherwise, it was yet another really warm day and after the start, when the trail split into a walkers and a runners trail, the common way uphill caused not massive sweat for everyone, and a certain member of the OVH took advantage of the great views that these hills were offering:-

Some Dutch courage on display
Bacchus would have been proud

After that much welcomed breathing stop it was downhill sooner than expected - there was a winestop promised at the start of the run - and both walkers and runners found their way back into the confines of Langenlois, a well kept city with lots of winemakers and a big number of old looking buildings.
And of course a very special hotel for the romantic winos, to be recommended. Seemingly aimless trail kept getting us nearer towards the drinkstop.   

The winestop eventually materialized in form of a Wine Stall of the local Kellerfest at the Sauberg (charming name) and those glasses of Weißer Spritzer (White Wine mixed with mineral water) went down everyones throats in no time. Apart from those who had non-alcoholic drinks of course. Lopsided Backsides Mom (not the Hasher of the same name) helped to operate that Wine Stall and apparently knew most of the pack as she seemed happy to see us. 

After the wine stop it was on back to the carpark, with a long circle, lots of cool beers and a visitor  from the Bay of Islands Hash in New Zealand (friend of Free Willie). Apologies for not memorizing his name. 

A very fine effort indeed, Langenlois is well worth of trip for Hashing and bacchantic pleasures. 

Moron Pics in the Morons' absence? Look here.

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