Friday, 16 September 2011

The Beatles aren't here

But who needs the Beatles when you can have the Vindobonian real thing? I am talking about none other than the Great and Glorious Lord Glo Balls (OVH) who, on May the 23rd, made us return to the site of the pinnacle in his local Hashing career. Lovely weather, even the trail was halfway decent (not clockwise or anticlockwise like in Probstdorf, heh heh) and the crowd were in fine form. And, thank you RA, the weather was sunny. Alongside some backwaters of the Lobau and then WAY over fields of con and goldit took quite a while to find the way out of this field and forest maze.

And yes, old Joystick enjoyed a New Shoe Tea Bag the tradtional Hashers way.

On Out.

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