Monday, 31 January 2011

Everybody loves the Sunshine

The rerun of a rerun of a rerun was staged in the Lobau, somewhere behind the Autokino on January the 16th. The Lobau is an area where you can't do much wrong in terms of setting a beautiful run and, back at where Lord Balls was anointed to the OVH (Order of the Vindobona Hash) the Hares Mind the Gap and Tickpleaser set a long and pleasant trail. I was very pleased to see Squeeze Box Mama again after a long absence. Good health to you herewith.

Everybody loves the Sunshine

Like every time out there I lost orientation after a while but the beauty of it all made up for that. The entire Marathon Family (parents + 2 kid(d)s came by and after some 1  1/2 hours it was on back to the circle with the usual amount of dog crap with which - of course! - my shoes made acquaintance.  Thanks a LOT!

You know his name, look up his number!

On Out.

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