Dear Readers from all over the place, you make me proud to announce the glorious addition of yet another remarkable contributor. Messieurdames, put your hands together for the one and only Tickpleaser!
It was with a heavy heart that we found ourselves once more in the car park on Arbeiterstrandbadstrasse for run #1494. The only glimmer on another otherwise grey Viennese November's day was the prospect of a live run and the chance to humiliate the Hares.......or should I say the lambs to the slaughter? Tickpleaser, who turned up just when Glo-Balls said 'So, what about a co-hare?', unwisely volunteered and, like a nodding donkey entering the gates of the glue factory, ended up as Free Willie's partner in crime. And there lay the seeds for a disaster in the making, with Vindobona H3's very own Hernia Twins chosen to set a live run.
The pack, never that keen to actually start moving, gave the Hares a decent enough head start. The trail wound its way through the Donaupark, over the Alte Donau and past the highlights and lowlights of the 21st district before looping back towards the Donaupark, with a cheeky little stretch past the Neue Donau just to confuse the pack, before running under the Donauturm and on home through the park once more. Of course, the real challenge on a live run is simply to catch the Hares in the act, so to speak. Free Willie and Tickpleaser started in good spirits, mainly based on the fact that the last time anyone in VH3 actually ran on a Hash was back in 2001. Indeed, they were so confident that they even stopped half way round to refill their flour bottles. This was their second big mistake. The first was basing their choice of clothing on the Ronald McDonald school of camouflage, with both sporting the bright red 'Globalls 1000th run' hats which could be seen from the other side of Vienna. Their third mistake was forgetting that not all the pack were intent on getting back without scuffing their trainers. So, who amongst the mangy pack took on the challenge and took up the scent?
Well.....who better to excel on a live run than VH3's very own Deerhunter? Step up to the mark King Ralph, ably abetted by Hash Hound Vilia. With his eagle eyes, KR spotted the Hares early on and steadily reined them in until, with a good third of the run left and still a kilometre or so from the Donaupark, he was only a few hundred metres back. His cries on ON-ON! may have woken most residents of the 21st from their mid afternoon nap but it was to no avail as the rest of the pack was just too far behind to help, or care (well, there's a surprise).
Indeed, the only people to respond to KR's call were in fact the Hares! Woken from their pleasant afternoon's amble, and spurred on by their desire to keep their trousers on in the circle, Free Willie and Tickpleaser kicked off again. KR, by now definitely in the hunt despite the lack of support, steadily chased the Hares down and even their devious laying of a Titty Check didn't deter him as victory was in sight. His efforts, though, untimately ended up in vain as the cigars took their toll and he lost the Hares around the Donauturm, ending up back at the car park just a minute or two behind Free Willie and Tickpleaser. So - this time anyway - the Hares kept their trousers, despite KR's valiant attempt and the short cutting efforts of a few of the more devious amongst the VH3 brethren who also made it back close behind. A good time was had by all (well............... most, least some) and the general consensus was that we should have a few more live runs. On-On to the next one in 2011!
Well, not very much more for me to recommend than to try your luck and stroll around Viennas Christmas Markets. Not necessarily the biggest one on Rathausplatz. There are plenty other opportunities around (Altes AKH, Am Hof, Freyung, Belvedere...). And if you happen to live outside of Vienna in some other part of the World, come visit the Vindobona Hash (founded in 1982) and run(?) with us. It is well worth the effort.
Or you may just happen to like today's musical piece.
On out.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Birds Like it
So here is a report straight from the horses mouth, which is the GREAT Slush Puppie himself. This run took place on Sunday, November the 14th.
Here we go.
"Quote (in my best translative effort)
The meetingplace would have been superb except for the fog. Run through the Maurer Wald, the first checkpoint had already been destroyed by the countless walking dudes, 98 % of those being dog owners, and the first FRBs were doing some extrametres already.
Next scene alongside a vineyard: Richard Kopf is falling, remains unhurt and finds out later on that he must have lost his mobile and reckons that it might fell out during his fall. Tickpleaser suggests that R.Kopf should walk back and call his number with someone elses mobile phone to hear his own one ringing in the grass.
As usual, Ice Queen takes care of business from here onwards, calls the RA's number, after a long while Nedja (lifepartner, Lebensmensch of R.Kopf) answers the phone. Richard Kopf did not take the damn thing with him and left it at home!
Ice Queen is now having a long chat with Nadja, and chatting seems to have been the principal motive for all participants. Merry Me, Septic Yank, No Mercy Mistress, Boney M, Root C, Lord GB (OVH), all chatters from the "chatting club with a walking problem".
Passing by the Wotruba Kirche, when architectural expert King Ralph point out the missing eaves and the hereby resulting ugliness of the concrete front (typical architect - no master builder).
Then onwards to the Sternengarten and onto the lovely Pappelteich. The songstop was ignored due to the absence of a Songmeister. And then back into the forest. Flying Dutchman is the only one who seems to have a vague idea of where he might find himself and yet he constantly takes the wrong checks, presumably all this takes way too long for him already. King Ralph has lost the group a while ago as he thought that the trail would lead by the signposted Waldschänke which was inapplicable.
After one hour everyone is back at the outside wall of the Lainzer Tiergarten, but near the Gütenbachtor (a bit away from the cars that is). A short extraloop for the FRBs, on down towards the road and then back up the long and steep meadow, W*nkers and Runners are back together again.
Then it is really boring and uninspired by the Hares constantly along the outside wall of the Lainzer Tiergarten, it is nearly dark by now.
In the absence of our famous GrandMeister it is up to the freshly baked GM of Vice to open the circle which obviously hits her completely unexpected. Usual Down Downs thereafter. OnIn at the Designerheurigen Wiltschko within walking distance from the carpark.
Ganslsuppe, Kümmelbraten, Murauer Flaschenbier, and the really young wine (the real Heuriger) was already available. The pack atrracted considerable attention due to clothing (other guests rather sniffish, due to "assimiliation" to-days Hashers had not been thrown out from these premises.
One more thing : Good luck to Septic Yank for the upcoming Hip operation.
Thanks to Slush Puppie for this report.
On Out.
That bird with feathers of blue
Is waiting for you
Back in your own backyard
You'll see your castles in Spain
Through your window pane
Back in your own backyard
Oh you can go to the East
Go to the West
Someday you'll come
Weary at heart
Back where you started from
You'll find your happiness lies
Right under your eyes
Back in your own backyard
Here we go.
"Quote (in my best translative effort)
The meetingplace would have been superb except for the fog. Run through the Maurer Wald, the first checkpoint had already been destroyed by the countless walking dudes, 98 % of those being dog owners, and the first FRBs were doing some extrametres already.
Next scene alongside a vineyard: Richard Kopf is falling, remains unhurt and finds out later on that he must have lost his mobile and reckons that it might fell out during his fall. Tickpleaser suggests that R.Kopf should walk back and call his number with someone elses mobile phone to hear his own one ringing in the grass.
As usual, Ice Queen takes care of business from here onwards, calls the RA's number, after a long while Nedja (lifepartner, Lebensmensch of R.Kopf) answers the phone. Richard Kopf did not take the damn thing with him and left it at home!
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Run # 1493 |
Ice Queen is now having a long chat with Nadja, and chatting seems to have been the principal motive for all participants. Merry Me, Septic Yank, No Mercy Mistress, Boney M, Root C, Lord GB (OVH), all chatters from the "chatting club with a walking problem".
Passing by the Wotruba Kirche, when architectural expert King Ralph point out the missing eaves and the hereby resulting ugliness of the concrete front (typical architect - no master builder).
Then onwards to the Sternengarten and onto the lovely Pappelteich. The songstop was ignored due to the absence of a Songmeister. And then back into the forest. Flying Dutchman is the only one who seems to have a vague idea of where he might find himself and yet he constantly takes the wrong checks, presumably all this takes way too long for him already. King Ralph has lost the group a while ago as he thought that the trail would lead by the signposted Waldschänke which was inapplicable.
After one hour everyone is back at the outside wall of the Lainzer Tiergarten, but near the Gütenbachtor (a bit away from the cars that is). A short extraloop for the FRBs, on down towards the road and then back up the long and steep meadow, W*nkers and Runners are back together again.
Then it is really boring and uninspired by the Hares constantly along the outside wall of the Lainzer Tiergarten, it is nearly dark by now.
In the absence of our famous GrandMeister it is up to the freshly baked GM of Vice to open the circle which obviously hits her completely unexpected. Usual Down Downs thereafter. OnIn at the Designerheurigen Wiltschko within walking distance from the carpark.
Ganslsuppe, Kümmelbraten, Murauer Flaschenbier, and the really young wine (the real Heuriger) was already available. The pack atrracted considerable attention due to clothing (other guests rather sniffish, due to "assimiliation" to-days Hashers had not been thrown out from these premises.
One more thing : Good luck to Septic Yank for the upcoming Hip operation.
Thanks to Slush Puppie for this report.
On Out.
That bird with feathers of blue
Is waiting for you
Back in your own backyard
You'll see your castles in Spain
Through your window pane
Back in your own backyard
Oh you can go to the East
Go to the West
Someday you'll come
Weary at heart
Back where you started from
You'll find your happiness lies
Right under your eyes
Back in your own backyard
Sunday, 14 November 2010
C'etait une bonne annee je crois
It is that magical time of the year when anybody who is anybody (which in fact is everyone at the Vindobona Hash) gets elected onto the Masthead to carry out all possible and unthinkable jobs that can crop up during the existence of a Hash Chapter. The run, to my mild surprise, was being set across the railway bridge leading out of the Prater (thanks a LOT, Hares!) and then through very much industrialized parts of the 11th district right near the Gasometer where a shortish songstop was crowned by Deodorants failing memory to come up with the right verses for the good ship venus. I honestly had no idea that this song was featured on a Sex Pistols record from 1979. Funny Punks.
A New Boot?/Guest? from the Tirana Hash was amongst the leaders of the pack and it was the last possible way over that ensuiung pedestrian bridge where the trail was leading back into the Prater. Who was it who took that winning short alongside with me? Our guest from Albania, together with the Third Child, Tickpleaser and Munk. The rest of the trail was as tasty as a Martinigansl at the Hash House. Guest/Regular Multiple Entry with Girlfriend Feel my Meat both ex Moscow and now New Delhi I suppose? graced us with their presence (which of course was our present) and, later at the circle, Mutiple Entry started to distribute a few nice looking Moscow Hash Tees to an assorted few.
Well, and the cameth the AGM. Multiple "Kingmaker" Entry won an initial vote over Standing there for the role of presiding officer to moderate the meeting, there were reoprts both from Hash Cash and GrandMeister (and yes, we ARE financially healthy) and then cameth the voting rites. To be introduced by a most fitting trumpet fanfare. (Yuck!)
Everybody who is anybody (i.e. all of us, even if they were not present) got awarded one post or another on the Masthead, with the expection of Squeeze Box Mama perhaps, who was suceeded by Root C Anal as Vice GrandMeister, Yes, and your Hero Stormin' Norman is going to continue for another year. His last one as GrandMeister, he says. Let's all do what we can to keep him and Lord Glo-Balls (OVH) in their respective posts, for the next 15000 runs perhaps.
On Out.
Typical example of a dispute during an AGM, maybe.
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The Song Stoppers Heart is yearning |
A New Boot?/Guest? from the Tirana Hash was amongst the leaders of the pack and it was the last possible way over that ensuiung pedestrian bridge where the trail was leading back into the Prater. Who was it who took that winning short alongside with me? Our guest from Albania, together with the Third Child, Tickpleaser and Munk. The rest of the trail was as tasty as a Martinigansl at the Hash House. Guest/Regular Multiple Entry with Girlfriend Feel my Meat both ex Moscow and now New Delhi I suppose? graced us with their presence (which of course was our present) and, later at the circle, Mutiple Entry started to distribute a few nice looking Moscow Hash Tees to an assorted few.
Well, and the cameth the AGM. Multiple "Kingmaker" Entry won an initial vote over Standing there for the role of presiding officer to moderate the meeting, there were reoprts both from Hash Cash and GrandMeister (and yes, we ARE financially healthy) and then cameth the voting rites. To be introduced by a most fitting trumpet fanfare. (Yuck!)
Everybody who is anybody (i.e. all of us, even if they were not present) got awarded one post or another on the Masthead, with the expection of Squeeze Box Mama perhaps, who was suceeded by Root C Anal as Vice GrandMeister, Yes, and your Hero Stormin' Norman is going to continue for another year. His last one as GrandMeister, he says. Let's all do what we can to keep him and Lord Glo-Balls (OVH) in their respective posts, for the next 15000 runs perhaps.
On Out.
Typical example of a dispute during an AGM, maybe.
Why was he?
On Friday November the 5th, the delectable Merry Marugoto and the remarkable My Pint of View prepared for a surprise party for Joystick who always looks the same and never seems to get any older, at least to our beloved GrandMeister. Go tó the Bamkraxler Restaurant in the 19th district and find there likely tihe only place where Augustiner Bräu is being sold in Vienna. Lovely stuff for sure.
Alright then, Hashy Birthday (again and for the rest of time) herewith.
And here is some form of support for Joysticks affiliation to Japan:
On Out.
Alright then, Hashy Birthday (again and for the rest of time) herewith.
And here is some form of support for Joysticks affiliation to Japan:
On Out.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Happy New Beer
Some habits stay the same, at least for a bit. Opening and closing day of the Schweizerhaus - though that may change drastically from next year onwards as the Schweizerhaus has been completely ripped down and is being totally renovated - have become fixtures outside the Hashing year, but peacefully juxtaposed to the runs.
My Sisters Glowing K'unts initial idea was to set run far away from the Schweizerhaus somewhere in the 14th district and was persuaded by Joystick to start the run from the outskirts of the Prater at a favourite place of ours, the Knusperhäuschen at Rustenschacherallee in the 2nd district.
Me and family got to the Schweizerhaus at 10:00 exactly and by then there was already a decent crowd, with our friends from Prague, the Motovidlo Jazz Band. Family left after an our which was quite understandable if you're not into beer.
I am always amazed how quickly the time passes over the course of a few beers and when the Brass Combo Schürzenträger - our heros! - started to play everything was fine. The Hash crowd came along for an extended OnAfter of course. And then, to top it all first Lady Go Diver turned up for a short visit from the Hague and shortly after - dare I say it - MINUTEMAN made it all the way over from Tennessee to partake in the festivities. Dedication at its best, my friends. And it sure is always fine to see friends again.
On out, to the reopening naturally.
My Sisters Glowing K'unts initial idea was to set run far away from the Schweizerhaus somewhere in the 14th district and was persuaded by Joystick to start the run from the outskirts of the Prater at a favourite place of ours, the Knusperhäuschen at Rustenschacherallee in the 2nd district.
Cherchez les femmes |
Me and family got to the Schweizerhaus at 10:00 exactly and by then there was already a decent crowd, with our friends from Prague, the Motovidlo Jazz Band. Family left after an our which was quite understandable if you're not into beer.
I am always amazed how quickly the time passes over the course of a few beers and when the Brass Combo Schürzenträger - our heros! - started to play everything was fine. The Hash crowd came along for an extended OnAfter of course. And then, to top it all first Lady Go Diver turned up for a short visit from the Hague and shortly after - dare I say it - MINUTEMAN made it all the way over from Tennessee to partake in the festivities. Dedication at its best, my friends. And it sure is always fine to see friends again.
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Senza Parole |
On out, to the reopening naturally.
Monday, 8 November 2010
It All comes back to me now
If have not been to Innermanzing before and it was a pleasant occasion when King Ralph and his disciples were setting a run starting from his house. Everything was prepared for a tasty OnAfter with a spacious partytent and a few fireplaces in the Royal Garden, the start of the run led off from the garden straight through a little ditch with a few pair of wet shoes and straight on up into the local hilly surrounding.
Through some pleasant running terrain - and gee it must be REALLY cold here in winter! - it was onto the much welcomed Beer Stop, and from there via a pretty slick False Trail back to the Hash Villa where the fires were already burning to keep us all warm. Several certificates were handed out by Lord Glo-Balls (OVH) including one for King Ralph for having reached 350 runs. I had to leave early so no report from the sumptuous bouffe that was being prepared including sausages, potato salad and, well, beer.
On Out.
Tent with a View |
Through some pleasant running terrain - and gee it must be REALLY cold here in winter! - it was onto the much welcomed Beer Stop, and from there via a pretty slick False Trail back to the Hash Villa where the fires were already burning to keep us all warm. Several certificates were handed out by Lord Glo-Balls (OVH) including one for King Ralph for having reached 350 runs. I had to leave early so no report from the sumptuous bouffe that was being prepared including sausages, potato salad and, well, beer.
The Great King Ralph |
On Out.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Little Stars Dancing and Jumping
A recent Full Moon run that was being set by the delectable Casting Couch and Sex Energy somewhere in Viennas 23rd district saw me being appointed or rather persuaded to come along as the flowercarrying guy.
A short and pleasant short run near Alterlaa (but not quite there) leading on over the Altmannsdorfer into an older looking residential area lasted for about 40 minutes which is more or less perfect Full Moon timing. Having experienced Hashers like the wonderful Red Aunt and The Final Kuntdown running along really helped as they discovered a sign that read Hash View right outside their garden door. And, being great hosts, they kindly provided Schnaps for the lot. A sincere thank you from your Blogger herewith.
The circle was an affair in the darkness, rather close to the Metroline 6 and was highlighted by the late turnup of Munk and the Full Moon GrandMeister Joystick. The OnIn can be highly recommended at Mimis Stüberl at the nearby Altmannsdorfer Straße. Great food and traditional Viennese company, so to say.
A short and pleasant short run near Alterlaa (but not quite there) leading on over the Altmannsdorfer into an older looking residential area lasted for about 40 minutes which is more or less perfect Full Moon timing. Having experienced Hashers like the wonderful Red Aunt and The Final Kuntdown running along really helped as they discovered a sign that read Hash View right outside their garden door. And, being great hosts, they kindly provided Schnaps for the lot. A sincere thank you from your Blogger herewith.
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Kisses Sweeter than Wine |
The circle was an affair in the darkness, rather close to the Metroline 6 and was highlighted by the late turnup of Munk and the Full Moon GrandMeister Joystick. The OnIn can be highly recommended at Mimis Stüberl at the nearby Altmannsdorfer Straße. Great food and traditional Viennese company, so to say.
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There can only be one GrandMeister at a time |
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