Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Splish Splash

One of many highlights, highpoints, whatever  you want to call it, is No Mercy Mistress' run in the 22nd district, always followed by a swim in the spacious pool afterwards (and a visit to the house sauna for the diehards, ahem).

Rear Admiral Flying Dutchman, OVH was the CoHare of the day and, partly due to warm temperatures, a slightly shorter run was promised and this promise was kept with a run length of 45 minutes. Alongside the Hirschstettner Badeteich and further on through the flat and spread out suburbs that still look strange and unknown to someone like me who grew up and lives on the other side of town, which is the south of Vienna.

Golden Memories and violent thunderstorms that occurred during runs an NMM' place in former years (2 or three years in a row) when the circle had to be moved inside her garage, with lots of cleaning on the next day. Same procedure as in most year, the run was followed by a swim, a circle an a Barbeque afterwards, a fine effort. Returnee of the Day was Standing There who wil remain with the World's Worst for next five weeks. Did I hear a request for Bobby Darin? Well, I shall counter that with an old cover version by a German Singer who cites the great Spike Jones as one of his greatest Inspirations.

Pool and other pics can be admired here.

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