Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Lucky 13

Starting off from the Narrenturm within the premises of the Alte AKH, the St. Patricks Day run was set by Lopsided Backside and Lucky Me and a beerstop was promised before the run started. This city run was set mostly with chalk and a good eye for detail, highlighting many a Hashview and passing by some historical sights. We do have some of these here in Vindobona. Having arrived at the Volksgarten, a small bottle of Sekt plus two glassed were presented to the Happy Couple Holy Roamin' Empress, OVH and Slush Puppie who celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary on Sunday.

We non sektdrinkers were rewarded with another edition of their timeless Sissy and Franzl check, so all was mended. Passing through the Burghof, around the Michaelerplatz and down the Herrengasse did lead us all straight to the beerstop, which was the Molly Darcys Irish Pub. Lots of green dressed folk was around drinking green beer and Hare Loppy charmed a waiter into letting me have my already seventh St. Patricks Day hat, thanks Loppy! :-)

Having arrived back at the start, it was astounding to see that Moehair Richard Kopf, OVH did buy a crate of Guiness Beer cans, which were contrasted by another crate of Schwechater Beer. Drinking from riches to rags in my opinion. The On After was held in the nearby Stieglambulanz where our waiter seemed to be not really relaxed. Nice run nonetheless.

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