Sunday, 9 May 2010

Body Transport

Ah, start from Schwedenplatz! Try to find a parking lot nearby (don't forget the Parkschein unless you're keen on getting a parking ticket) and then get down the steps to the ferry station and meet lots of familiar faces.
The long initial stretch alongside the Donaukanal made up a bit for the drive to the venue and things brightened up - not just because the rain had stopped - when we were sent over to the 2nd district to the confines of the Augarten, right next to one of the Vienna Flaktowers.
High hopes at least a few of us had when we were sent on back towards the Karmelitermarkt in direction home, and even a beer stop was being held at the back of the old Kriegsministerium.
Alas, the endeavour led much farther and on over into the Stadtpark presumably and this is where quite a few brave ones, including No Balls Prize, Lady GoDiver and... gave in and took the short way back. The treat of the evening was warm Heineken Beer  - sorry lads - but I am just reporting the actual happenings.
A visiting pair from San Diego must have liked all this so much that the payed the entire Pizzeria Bill afterwards, at least so I have been told.

As you can see, it took me a few days to come up with some halfway coherent thoughts about all this.
On Out.

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