Thursday, 25 February 2010

Felt Presence, Ghostly Humming

I just went out for lunch for a glass of cool something with three nice Hashers ( a lady and two chaps and there ARE actually ladies on the Hash!). We met at Mr.Lis Cooking am Naschmarkt. On this perfectly sunny springlike day the four of us sat outside, had lunch and, as we were abot to order another round of drinks, were a bit rudely driven out be the waitress with words like;" You must go now, other customers after you want to eat and not just drink."
After this awkward sendoff I strongly recommend all you 4 official readers and of course ll other ones to stay away from this establishment as there are lots of other and most likely more welcoming places to be found at Naschmarkt in Vienna.

We want to share a drink with our friends whenever we please, n'est pas?

On a different note, the Order of the Vindodona Hash (OVH) will very very soon be inducting its second member. Watch out, either for tomorrows Blue Moon Run (including the same old beer stop in the same old brothel probably) or this coming Sunday?

Let's listen to some Toby Keith now, shall we?

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