Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Yours is no Disgrace

Good old Moosehead. The tradition of the glorious Punschrun that holds many a fond memory has been ressurected by Mr. M.himself and with the help of Tickpleaser and Mind the Gap the whole thing rightfully became a walkers heaven for drunks. Meaning, I - from my elevated position at the rear end of the pack assembled with the legendary Lord Glo-Balls (OVH) . saw two or three people running. Out of a pack of 25 that is. The happy rest just chit chatted the afternoon away with a gentle walk, happily sipping their placticcups filled with Punsch and/or Glühwein.
The three features were not just see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil ...

but also three nice Drunkstops, the last one with a spectacuar view over foggy Vienna from the Schloss Wilhelminenberg.
The circle was held outside the OnIn, good old Predigtstuhl, venue of many Hangover in the making.
If one would compare the shape that this pathetic former running group was say 10 years ago to what it looks now, the solution would be to just set trails that lead from one Heurigen to the next.
Mind you that the local Hash Christmas Party was on last night, with a new version of this spectacle from way back:

More on that in the next blog entry. Stay tuned. And, all credit for the Hashpics goes to My Pint of View (of course!).

On Out.

1 comment:

  1. Yo, and you have to wait for the Hashpics (PornFLics are online!) a little bit.....
